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Chain Smokers
Most of the people think that smoking using expensive cigars is status symbol but they forget that ultimately smoking kills millions people irrespective of way through which they inhale tar and nicotine. The blog introduces people to various health problems that occur because of smoking.
The smoking has connection with looks of an individual i.e. smoking and lips, smoking and wrinkles etc.. Because of habit of smoking the color of lips get fade and turns to black. All these ill effects of smoking occur frequently in chain smokers. Chain smoking is habit of lighting new cigarette or cigar immediately after the previous one finishes. It is already proven that smoking kills an individual at low pace and similarly chain smoking does but with more swiftness.
The affects of smoking to health includes cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. It not only affects health but society also. The habit of smoking kills an individual almost 10 years early than non smokers. Smoking pollutes air. It is also a cause of deforestation and other problems relating to deforestation. Several laws have been made by government to stop smoking and made smoking an offence in public area. Smoking affects others as second hand smoke is equally dangerous and it affects family members of his/her family.
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Chain Smokers
New York City smokers have been sent out of time, coughed with disdain, and now they are burdened by taxes on cigarettes more expensive in the nation. Now add the cost of damage, the state is declaring its highest-in-the-nation cigarette tax a success. Their number is a state-smoking Quitline quadrupled to nearly 10,000 calls, week 2 June, when the tax of $ 2.75 pack kicks, New York City health commissioner, Dr. Richard Dainese said. Less than 2,300 people called for help during the same week of 2007.
"Not everyone that tries, quits," Daines said. "We estimate about 140,000 New Yorkers quit smoking successfully. We have more than a million try to cut down or stop, but it's how you get people to try: give them multiple chances and multiple reasons to stop."
The increase took effect on June 3 sent the tax from $ 1.25 to $ 2.75 per pack. In most of the state, cigarettes range between $ 6 and $ 8 per package, depending on the brand and the store prices. Can cost up to $ 10 in New York, which has its own tax. Smokers calling the Quitline requested some 7,900 kits the week the new tax was introduced in 1722 compared to same period requested in the last year.
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Chain Smokers
Refreshing flavor of Kiss Super Slims Menthol
Delicate flavor of Kiss Super Slims Dream
Invigorating flavor of Kiss Super Slims Energy
Delicious flavor of Kiss Super Slims Fresh Apple
Luscious flavor of Kiss Super Slims Strawberry
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Chain Smokers
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Chain Smokers
Cigarette smoke coats your skin with an enzyme that breaks down collagen and elastin which leads to wrinkles. In fact, a study performed on siblings at the St. Thomas Hospital in London found that the sibling who smoked tended to have skin that was 40% thinner and more wrinkled than the non-smoker.
When you are tired, your body produces excess cortisol, which is natural hormone that breaks down skin cells, leading to wrinkles. On the other hand, when you are well rested, your body produces excess natural “HGH” which keeps skin elastic, Proper sleep also provide distance from wrinkles.